
All Services are available to adults and to adolescents.

Consultation / Evaluation

In-person or online meeting(s) regarding a difficulty or problem to determine options, direction, and/or recommendations


Interview(s) appropriate to the presenting problem. Administration, scoring, and interpretation of any additional questionnaires, tests, and diagnostic materials.

Individual Therapy

Verbal psychotherapy with an individual client. Identification and discussion about the client’s difficulties and what conditions, situations, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors initiate, accompany, and perpetuate the difficulties. Together, Dr. Role-Warren and the client develop options, strategies, and goals to bring about change.

  • Eating Disorders
  • Health and Wellness
  • Coaching
  • Body Image Dissatisfaction
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Chronic Pain
  • Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Sexuality
  • Life Transitions
  • Grief
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics
  • Anger Management

Marital / Relationship Therapy

Each partner meets individually with Dr. Role-Warren, followed by sessions with the couple to identify problem areas and develop the tools to improve communication, effective problem-solving, and work through emotions and conflicts.

Family Therapy

Sessions with family members to understand, share, and cope with difficulties that occur and affect family members. Some examples:

  • Family stress, changes, and transitions
  • Illness in the family
  • Family conflicts / problems
  • Families coping with a member with eating disorders, alcoholism, chemical dependency, physical or mental illness, or behavioral problems
  • Improve healthy coping skills
  • Divorce / step-parenting / blended families

Group Therapy

(click for more information)

60- and 90-minute groups, usually lasting for 15 weeks, for groups and clients with:

  • Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress

Copyright 2022 and Teri Role-Warren, Phd., LLC. All rights reserved.